Sunday, 1 September 2013

Oceanography for Everyone - The OpenCTD

The CTD is an amazing instrument that has allowed oceanographers to explore the ocean interior. By measuring only three variables: conductivity, temperature and pressure; scientists have gained vast amounts of knowledge about the world’s oceans by examining its structure, its currents, the interleaving of water masses and even the crests and troughs of passing waves. 

There is an Crowd sourced Project trying to reduce the costs for such a device. Support it:


Sunday, 11 July 2010

Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom: "

Post image for Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

The Radisson Blu Hotel, Berlin (Germany), which is situated on the River Spree, directly across from the Berlin Cathedral, appears from the exterior to be just another ordinary luxury hotel. Once you enter the hotel, nothing prepares you for the sight of the giant cylindrical Aquarium towering 25m (82 feet) smack in the center of the lobby.

AquaDom Lobby1 Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

Meet the Radisson Hotel’s AquaDom, the world’s largest cylindrical aquarium filled with one-million liters of saltwater and houses thousands of fish. With a 11 meter (36 feet) diameter, this monstrous tank has a glass-enclosed elevator through the center of the tank through which visitors and guest can travel up to reach the sightseeing point and restaurant under the glass roof.

AquaDom Diver Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

The AquaDom is said to contain around 2600 fish from 56 different species and is maintained by the Sea Life Berlin Aquarium located next door to the hotel. Two full time Scuba divers are responsible for the care and feeding of the aquarium and its inhabitants, and one can often see them swimming around in full scuba gear with the fish as an added attraction. Sea Life Berlin conducts a Sea Life discovery tour which concludes with the two-story elevator ride through the middle of the AquaDom, during which guests learn about both the tropical-fish inhabitants and the architecture of the AquaDom.

AquaDom Top Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

Construction of the AquaDom was no easy feat, inaugurated in December 2003; the acrylic glass cylinder was manufactured in four pieces and constructed on-site on top of a nine meter concrete foundation. The pieces of acrylic were crane lifted into place during the construction of the hotel itself, as the rest of the hotel was gradually being built around the tank. The estimated cost of construction of the AquaDom is said to around 12.8 Million Euros.

Fish Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

Guest staying at the Radisson can opt for AquaDom facing suites which have windows looking directly to the Aquarium, which must be one amazing view to wake up to each morning.

AquaDom Side Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom

Photos from flickr by: EagerEyes, nrubi, Jean-Louis Paquay, {erikv}, vxla

© Aquaviews - Online SCUBA Magazine, 2010. | Radisson Blu Hotel Berlin’s Spectacular AquaDom is an original article from | No comment


Sunday, 16 May 2010

Shark Shield

Explanation and demonstration of Shark Shield

in reference to:

"Explanation and demonstration of Shark Shield"
- YouTube - Shark Shield (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, 23 April 2010

Haiunfälle. Hintergründe verstehen - Gefahren erkennen (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Ein Muß für jeden, der an der Erhaltung einer über-lebensfähigen Haipopulation interessiert ist. Gute Tipps für die jeweiligen Risikogruppen (Schwimmer, Taucher, Surfer, ...). Rasch erfassbare Argumente die in der üblichen Diskussion mit Nicht-wissenden hilfreich sind.

in reference to: Haiunfälle. Hintergründe verstehen - Gefahren erkennen: Erich Ritter, Gerhard Wegner: Bücher (view on Google Sidewiki)